Supporting university students in achieving holistic well-being.




Academic Project


10 weeks


University students face certain barriers when attempting to access mental health resources:

Restricted Hours of Service

Complicated Booking Process

Lack of Awareness of Resources

Long Wait Times


To be effective, university mental health services must be safe, accessible to all, appropriately resourced, relevant to local context, and well governed.

Maintaining effective embedded services with fewer resources is a challenge that universities must address to support mental and holistic well-being of students.

What needs to change?

Priestley et al. (2021)



Creating an experience map allowed me to pinpoint which part of the process needed to be addressed:


The process of accessing mental health resources on campus is simply not adequately. Considering the vulnerable nature of navigating a novel environment, this problem needs to be addressed. Currently, accessing services involves going through multiple inconsistent portals, and an overall non-intuitive and difficult process. Booking an appointment with a counsellor is only possible by walk in or phone call, which is often backed by long wait times.

Some students are not even aware their campus offers these resources.

The process is messy, long, and tedious.


WalkIn offers a unified digital platform to provide students with all the resources they need: workshops, counsellors, and more, all in one place. Walkin eliminates the problem of being stuck with long wait times and allows access of services whenever they want, not only during regular service hours.

What’s more, as long as you have WalkIn, you’ll always know the current happenings on campus, whether it be workshops, events, or campus courses.

WalkIn is seamless, quick, and simple.


An all-in-one scheduling and resource platform for students to discover support services, at any time of the day.

WalkIn Offers:

No Wait Times

Virtually no wait times as students can book appointments and workshops whose availabilities are updated real time.

Quick Online Booking

As apposed to a primarily in-person system, WalkIn makes booking possible digitally, without the hassle of visiting resource centres in-person.

An All-In-One Resource

Students are able to discover workshops and appointments on a unified plattform, no need for a long and tedious searching process.

Brand Identity.

WalkIn recognizes that students often search for mental health services outside of regular service hours.

The brand identity reflects this by encompassing a night time vibe, conveying this is a service that is accessible at any time of the day, or night.

Try It Yourself


Shopify Startup Kit.